You can, However Surfsk8 was designed to pump to generate speed with the same action it takes to gain speed on a wave.
Stand with your rear foot slightly behind the tail side torsion bolt and your front front on or slightly in front of the front torsion bolt. Pump board by providing heel toe pressure in opposite motion. This takes some practice to learn how torsion will provide forward acceleration.
Any hard, grippy surface. Stay away from damp, wet or icy areas. Skilled riders have used surfsk8 in skate park bowls you may need to adjust the board's action to optimize board for doing so (see adjustment video)
NEVER jump on the center of the board. Our boards are meant to be surfed, not kickfliped. Our standard board supports riders up to 250lbs. Heavier riders please contact us and we can customize board to support heavier riders.
Surfboards typically have flat or rolled decks do not possess a radical tail kick. Our board was designed to feel more like a surfboard, not a skateboard
Our boards are made to order. Expect 5-8 business days for delivery. (This can slightly vary due to on going effects of covid-19)
We have a deployable wave ramp park that will be deployed in the greater Seattle area spring of 2022. Our park will provide open access to Surfsk8’rs creating a positive competitive environment. Pop ups, summer camps and competitions will be all part of our growing program.